The Friends Academy (
Friends Academy is a Quaker, coeducational, independent, college preparatory school serving students from age three through the twelfth grade, located in Locust Valley. The school was founded in 1876 by Gideon Frost for "The children of Friends and those similarly sentimented". When founded by Frost he was 78 years old. The school was originally named Friends College. The campus covers 65 acres. The school is organized around quad with buildings surrounding it. Recent additions to the school include the Helen A. Dolan Center (2000), the Kumar-Wang Library (2000, the renovation of the Upper School in 2004 and the renovation of the Lower School in 2009-2010.
There are 748 students from many different backgrounds and communities throughout Long Island. There are 217 students in the Lower School, 180 in the Middle School, and 351 in the Upper School. There are 173 faculty and staff members. The student-teacher ratio is 7:1.
Portledge is a small community that offers a welcoming and stimulating environment that fosters a lifelong love of learning, critical thinking skills, and the development of intellectual courage, the hallmarks of a truly educated person. A Portledge education features small class sizes, challenging academics to prepare students for admission to highly selective colleges and universities, and added value through competitive athletics, arts, music, theater, and out-of classroom experiences.
We welcome you to tour our beautiful campus and meet the faculty members who share a deeply committed personal interest in ensuring that every child participates, belongs, and succeeds.
The Green Vale School, located in Old Brookville, was chartered by the State of New York Board of Regents at its present site in 1923. The beginnings of the school actually date back to 1917 when a group of parents, led by Mrs. Clarence C. Pell of Old Westbury, started a school for five year olds in her home. The School's highest priority is to ensure that students graduate with superior academic preparation which provides a foundation for a lifetime of learning. Self-discipline, motivation, and dedication to excellence are attitudes the School seeks to inculcate in all its students as they participate in the wide variety of learning experiences. Ethical behavior, good judgment, compassion, kindness and consideration towards others are emphasized. The Green Vale School embraces the importance of encouraging and fostering a diversity of ideas and perspectives as part of the learning process. In a community where respect is a guiding principle, learning is enhanced when a variety of curricular ideas and student perspectives are present and appreciated. Therefore, recruiting, welcoming, and maintaining families and staff members of varying backgrounds, races and cultures, promote a sharing of experiences and viewpoints -- and reinforce the School's mission and strengthen its sense of community.